Bucket list item--C H E C K. Blessed to be able to join our oldest son who drove up to join me at the EAA Airventure in Oshkosh, WI. This airport becomes the world's busiest control tower during the gathering with about 15,000 aircraft arriving and over 1/2 million folks in attendance. And campers out the ying yang!
Our first Christmas in July. Since every campground in Wisconsin is
buried in snow come December, why not celebrate mid-Summer. Of course,
with temps hovering at 90 degrees and 70% humidity, I would conclude we
had an underpaid Santa Claus.
Our bike ride always lead us to an interesting sight. I have a feeling school property tax payers were not impressed with the downgrade.
Sad to announce, this campground site did not win "RV Yard of the Month.
Hoping to see a phone number as I do believe we have a clothing piece to donate to the society.

Wow, my first sighting of a Black at a campground. Before you dispatch the
Federal Bureau of Insensitivity, why is it that such few
African-Americans join the RV lifestyle? It is nice to see them
recognizing this themselves forming a website here discussing the issue and promoting the outdoors. Come join us!
As full-time RV'ers, my wife informed me she could not seem to find the time to hand-mix. You know---2 loads of laundry a week, cleaning 300 sq. feet of living, interneting, knitting, I-phone games, walking, cycling, swimming, reading, napping---yes, the time-thieves of this lifestyle. So, we broke down and dug deep into the wallet and handed over $2.11 picking up this 40 year old Hamilton Beach mixer at the local antique shop. If it doesn't work, I believe there is a historical society in town that will take it off our hands.

Well, after a smart-aleck comment about the electric mixer, I have been punished and assigned meal preparation 2 nights a week in the RV kitchen. I brought my "A-game" to the first meal. Hey, it' Wisconsin--had to go with cheesy. It does need a mixer, right? And based upon the reaction on my wife's face when I asked her what she thought, I believe my sentence to chef duties has been communed.
Day #111--this concludes our visit to the gorgeous state of Wisconsin. Off to an overnight in Illinois, as we have to drift south as we couldn't afford the $500 ferry fee across Lake Michigan. After one night there, due east to northern Indiana, Amish country. I look forward to the visit and if you follow this blog you know I am not a book reader, but I do look forward to reviewing the 2 shortest books in the entire Library of Congress--"Trending Hairstyles of the Amish" and "Amish War Heroes". Ahh yes, the folks who all started camping! And never left.
Thanks for following along....
Day #111--this concludes our visit to the gorgeous state of Wisconsin. Off to an overnight in Illinois, as we have to drift south as we couldn't afford the $500 ferry fee across Lake Michigan. After one night there, due east to northern Indiana, Amish country. I look forward to the visit and if you follow this blog you know I am not a book reader, but I do look forward to reviewing the 2 shortest books in the entire Library of Congress--"Trending Hairstyles of the Amish" and "Amish War Heroes". Ahh yes, the folks who all started camping! And never left.
Thanks for following along....