The one time you want time to fly---Summer in Texas. And it is whizzing by as Brynn is approaching one month with us this weekend. The chickens are celebrating over 2 months which means they are at "laying age". Looking forward to those deep orange yolks and an increase in baking. Well, presuming they survive their white, fluffy nemesis.
Our hens from left to right we named: Libby, Lola, J-Lo and Elsie (not pictured-Vicky) . Sadie came up with her own names: Cacciatore, Carbonera, Nuggets and Dumplings (not pictured-Kung Pao) . She is creative like that.
Libby, our boss hen, and Sadie having a turf war discussion. It really is a hoot to watch these two as just a mere few weeks ago Libby towered over Sadie.
She is having to repeat her Master Gardener course next Summer.
Training progress report:
"Sit"- Gold
"Stay- Silver
"Down"- Bronze
Took Brynn bowling and she asked me to show her proper form. I told her to stand back as I tend to pass gas when I hurl the ball. She did.
To put these two photos in perspective, Brynn arrived here very uncertain about dogs in general never being around one much. We equally had reservations about the Pyrenees pup as some can be very territorial over both inside and outside spaces. It would appear our concerns no longer have merit.
Always easy on the entertainment budget is the school playground. Nice as it is only 3 blocks away. Been down there several times already. Brynn asked me "Do you want to play Castle--you can be the King". Ahhh, guess she heard Teri's nickname for me.
Our nightly vigil as we pray God gets us through the Summer. Ok, I kid. This was an arts project where they got glass jars, lined the inside with glue and then poured glitter around the interior.
Well, it's a 3 day bachelor weekend for this dude as on Friday Teri and Brynn travel 300 miles south (no Rv :) to celebrate her grandma's 96th birthday. I have Sadie and Laydie duty, so won't be with them. Don't worry about me though as I have gone on-line and obtained the operation manuals for our stove, oven and dish washer. With the queen of baking gone, I will go to ole reliable for nightly treats--Little Debbies Nutty Bars. I concede I am probably the only one that has given this much thought, but I have serious reservations about Debbie being very little.
Til next time.
David Hallock AKA Jerry Seinfeld #2