Monday, March 11, 2013

Eggscuse Me!

Well, after 3 months of mastering fickleness, we have decided the concrete jungle was not to our liking. With a growth rate of 1,000 new residents a day arriving to the Austin metroplex, it was time for us to reevaluate. We have decided our straw hats have requested we return to the country. YEE-HAW. As of today, we have signed a contract to purchase a home just on the outskirts of Burnet, TX., a sleepy town of 6,000 denim wearers and about a 45 minute drive to the northwest of the capital city.

The only tease for now: it sits on an acre and has one of these---with 50 amps! Not for us, but for you readers who want get a taste of BBQ-ville.
Yup, our sellers are RV'ers, as well. Teri commented several times on our journey "wouldn't  it be cool if we ended up in a house that came with an RV pad". Ask. Receive. OH WAIT--STOP THE BLOG PRESSES. We were within a nano-second of having all 9 parties involved in this transaction finalized, including this blog draft started 1hr prior to our realtor sending us over the HOA details. Seeing they were "voluntary" and $35 per year, I decided to peruse them. "No poultry"--that's right, 1 acre in the country, and feathered lay-dies are not allowed--are you kidding? We waddled away probably leaving the other 7 players in disbelief. So, we opted for a 1/4 acre property in town where hens are permitted. Made an offer, they accepted, we close in a few weeks, probably just a few days shy of our 1 year anniRVersary.

Sorry RV'ers, you  can put your RV in storage and come sleep with us for a couple  of nights. We will probably have to charge you for hot water use that extends beyond 3 minutes as we don't want you to overstay your visit.

The house is  mid-70s in awesome condition, including a glittered-sprinkled popcorn ceiling, something I am very satisfied with as searching "disco ball" on Craigslist was fruitless. As RV'ers who sold it all, we have begun our search of replenishing. We picked up 3 furniture pieces yesterday from the Travolta collection. The ONLY thing we will buy new is our king sized bed. No worries visitors, we will  have our exterminator shoot a lil spray on the guest bedroom mattress before you arrive. We are caring like that.

We close in less than 3 weeks and I am already working on my swan dive technique into a hot soaking bath tub. Teri also posted more details today HERE. We will share before/after here in the next six weeks or so.

I guess since I now have a permanent address, I can now search for a local job. Even though I don't "have to-have to" go back to work, I "want to-want to". My wife wants me to, also, cause she wants me to be happy. Or something.I don't want to say she is rushing me, but I think she is quietly Pinning "Husband Work Lunches".

As to specific work type, I thought I was pretty open minded, so I began scanning Craigslist. Here are some opportunities that arose:
  • Semen donor- I think I am too old for the Navy
  • Egg donor- I will  have  a chat with our hens
  • Diarrhea/IBS Clinical Research Participants- Pooping on command not a forte'
  • Lice Removal Technician- It's been posted a few times, possibly little interest
  • European Wax Center Assistantsounded more to my liking. I enjoy detailing my cars and what could be more fun than polishing up the Euro likes of BMWs, Mercedes and Lamborghini. HUH? Hair removal? THERE? WHY? Maybe if the Lice Salon can’t solve it, the Wax Center can--now there is a franchise idea.
So, I remain funemployed. 

Gotta run, the mild 3 months of Austin living is about to turn into 3 weeks of a wild transition, including selling an RV and a truck. OH, and have to make a decision on whether to continue blogging. And on what kind of puppy I want. And figuring out  how to adjust to uninterrupted Internet. And a privacy fence to work on my waxing techniques.

The journey continues as we mark off our 340th day of full-time RV'ing.


  1. Gracias CJ...we will leave a light on for you...stop by...

  2. I already put you in my Google Earth for a day or two stop with 50amp service. Too bad it didn't work out. I don't have chickens, but I do have a parrot who may lay an egg in the spring.
    As far as a new doggie...petfinder, rescues. You can find pure bred well behaved and not so well behaved in rescue.
    Of course I'll push the rescue I volunteer for English Setter Rescue. They are pretty (for Teri), the are loving (for you both), they are a "man's" dog (sporting breed). or you know how to contact me via my Great Escape from NJ blog and I'll get you started. Yes, we have English Setters in TX.

    1. Sorry to disappoint :). I vol at a shelter Debbie and, as was our previous dog, our next will be rescued as well! Breed to be determined, but it will from the large dog class.

  3. Jerry and I are so happy that you found a home that you both are happy with! And our little "fur-kid" thinks you should get a miniature dachshund...ha ha!!

    Have fun furnishing your new bricks and sticks!! I think that would be a blast :).

    1. Thanks J and K. Come see us or at least make Austin a stop for you, it will not disappoint.

  4. Congrats on the new digs and putting down roots again. I'm sure you'll have plenty to still blog about as you fix, change and remodel that new sticks n'll be fun :-) Ingrid

    1. Thanks Ingrid, upscaling and country-chicing it will be a good time..

  5. Congrats on your home purchase, sounds great and looks like a great location in Texas. I think with a 1/4 acre and a privacy fence, a laidback bloodhound would fit your "big dog" thirst.

  6. Well, if you find that you are tight fit in your rig, be glad to take one of yours off your hands. They are on my short list of dogs I love.
